Originating in 1997, BEMER has been a standard of health care in Europe for the past 25 years in medical facilities. Over 1000 top level athletes use the BEMER for speedier recovery and regeneration. BEMER recently partnered with NASA and the NFL Alumni Association. BEMER is a registered FDA Consumer Medical Device. BEMER enhances the following:
- General Blood Flow
- Cardiac Function
- Enhanced Immune Function
- Nutrient and Oxygen Supply
- Metabolic Waste Disposal
- Physical Fitness
- Muscle Recovery
- Endurance, Strength, Energy
- Relaxation and Improved Sleep
- Mental Acuity
Being well hydrated before and after using the BEMER is essential to enhance the metabolic processes. Discover How BEMER Can Help YOU Achieve Your Best Health!
For more information visit life.bemergroup.com
For BEMER Research go to pubmed.gov and scholargoogle.com